49 S. Summit

49. S. Summit, built c. 1903
Craftsman 1905 – 1930
Hipped roof (California Bungalow)
Wood exterior with vertical trim below porch openings
YHF Historic Structure Marker awarded 2022
Photos by Paul Schreiber

49 S. Summit is a c.1903 early Craftsman house. This style is also known as a California bungalow. The house reflects the transition from the late Prairie style (1900-1920) with the hipped roof and dormer to the early Craftsman (1905-1930) with the exposed rafters on the roof overhang. According to the McAlester architectural style book, only 10% of Craftsman houses have hipped roofs.

The vertical trim below the porch opening survived after years of landlord neglect. Now the trim is handsomely displayed by the contrasting paint colors. This house is another architecturally interesting Ypsilanti gem!

Updated on June 8, 2024 by Paul Schreiber (PaulSchreiber@comcast.net)